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I serve as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients. In addition to being a professional Life Coach and Business Coach I’ve also presented nationally to general audiences speaking on the topics of Self-Image, Self-Motivation, NLP, Selling and Mindset Training.

Life Coaching is a powerful methodology designed to take you from where you are today to where you want to be. The speed and ease with which you can reach your goals and grow in life is accelerated when you work with a coach.

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Disclaimer – Content and images on www.aatmikk.com are strictly for informational and reference purposes. They are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatments. Our services, coaching and consultations complement general wellness. Remember, results vary significantly from person to person. Always consult with your healthcare professionals for health concerns.

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Copyright Aatmikk-by Vanddna Bhargave. All rights reserved | Website developed by Conceptualise